- Review the job description before your prescreening interview with the recruiter, we know it's common to apply for multiple positions when you're job hunting, but there's nothing more offputting than you thinking you're being interviewed for a different position than the one the recruiter is discussing with you.
- Jump onto the company website, and read up about the company, and in particular the division or group you want to work with.
- Be prepared to clearly articulate how your current or prior experience, fits with the expectations outlined in the job description. Speak confidently and use specific examples.
- Expect to be asked to explain results! I.e. If you are seeking a sales role, bring the statistics about quotas you had, and revenue you were responsible for in your prior sales positions. Data matters. Alternatively if you have been working in Marketing for years, explaining all the types of marketing you have worked on is great, but being able to produce and walk a recruiter through metrics, that showcase the impact on leads and sales that your work generated, is immensely more impactful.
- Write down questions you may have, in advance of your prescreening - it's easy to forget all your questions at the end of the interview.
- Whether the interview is in person or via zoom, be professionally dressed. Be well groomed and wear smart attire.
- Make sure you are prepared, engaged and express interest in the position, no-one will want to hire you regardless of your skills if you appear half-asleep or disinerested in the role.
- Do not dismiss the importance or impact of recruiters. Recruiters are gatekeepers to the hiring managers, and have the power to move your application forward, or to reject you. Take prescreenings as seriously as you would any other interview.
- Be yourself and explain your goals and targets. Recruiters do not want to hire a 'version' of you that you create for the interview, they want to hire who you are, day in and day out - so be yourself and proud of it.
- Don't be afraid to ask about next steps, or to directly request feedback from the interviewer before the interview ends. This allows you to understand what to expect, expresses further interest to the recruiter, and also makes them more accountable to give you feedback - regardless of whether the prescreening call was successful or not.
For additional help in creating or enhancing your CV, and move you a step closer to your next great role, please review the CV Services we offer.